The Thuntsa Lerole programme continues to make a difference at schools in different local municipalities every week across the North West province. This week the acceleration of service delivery programme was taken to Borakalalo and Gopane Villages in Ramotshere Moiloa Local Municipality on Friday, 27 October 2023.
The schools from the villages and the Townships are continuing to benefit from the Thuntsa Lerole programme. These schools get a chance to be put on the spotlight by the province including the district in all aspects of their challenges.
The Solomon Tiro Early Childhood Development Centre in Borakalalo Village and other nine Early Childhood Development centres from across the Ngaka Modiri Molema District benefitted by getting learning materials from the North West Department of Education. Other Early Childhood Development Centres which received the learning materials are: Smart Kids Crèche in Ditsobotla, Reagodisa Day Care in Ratlou, Tshwaragano Early Learning Centre in Ratlou, Doornlagte ELC in Ramotshere Moiloa, Thuto O lebone ELC in Tswaing, Tshika Ipelegeng in Tswaing, Mmalerato ELC in Mahikeng, Bana ba Rona ELC in Mahikeng and Kesaobaka ELC in Ditsobotla Local Municipality.
The spotlight further went on to Mokutong Primary School in Gopane Village. Mokutong Primary School principal and other local principals received cellphones and routers, NSNP trolley from the Education department whilst the department of Arts, Culture, Sports and Recreation donated a soccer outfit. Other schools that benefitted from Thuntsa Lerole programme are Janjo, Hoerskool Zeerust, Ntlatsang, Ratsela, Tlhatlhoso, Motswedi and Sakalengwe Secondary schools.
The MEC for Education, Viola Motsumi emphasized that this programme is touching each and every school in the province.
“We are continuing to criss-cross the province ensuring that all schools benefit from this programme every week. Every week our schools get to be supported in various ways.
“During the week the officials from the district visit and support different schools in all programmes ranging from curriculum support, infrastructure, school enrichment, etc. This support is aimed at providing quality education to our learners”, said MEC Motsumi.
The Grade 12 learners are expected to begin with the writing of their final examination on Monday, 30 October 2023.
MEC Motsumi is expected to monitor the first day of the Grade 12 examination at Moreri Secondary School in Tseoge Village and Pica-Pau Secondary School in Pomfret.
For more information please contact:
Mphata Molokwane
Media Liaison Officer
Cell: 0829793638
Elias Malindi
Acting Head of Communication
Cell: 0728928399