The recruitment for Gr 12 markers in 2023 was a hybrid mode of marker application, viz online as well as manual application.
This year, the Department has made necessary improvement based on the learnt experiences of 2023 designed to enhance the markers recruitment process. A user manual is available as a resource to use for understanding and utilizing the features and functionalities of the system.
Given this background, Online Marker Recruitment System (OMARES) in the North West Province will be opened on 20 March 2024 for potential markers to apply. This system shall remain opened until 20 April 2024.
The aim is to gradually align examination and assessment processes to 4IR. Digitisation of processes will finally ensure that we go paperless and use resources available to comply with the technological demands of our time.
To assist and allow every potential applicant an opportunity to ultimately have seamless application experience, a procedure manual document is made available together with this correspondence.
- All Applicants who have registered in 2023, are required to apply again.
- The eligibility requirements as stipulated in the OMARES documents, are strictly applied. (See the
attached Annexure A). For Verification and Accountability levels, see Annexure B - Applicants who successfully apply online, will be notified through SMS, about their successful uploading of their required records.
You can register by clicking the following link: http://edu-emisportal.nwpg.gov.za/omares/
For more information education.nwpg.gov.za/exams