Reviewing the learner’s results from the first term has been identified as a useful way to keep track of performance in schools across the province. This was mainly discussed during an engagement session between North West Education Department MEC, Viola Motsumi and district directors on Wednesday, 17 May 2023 in Mahikeng.
There is a significant increase in the percentage of distinctions obtained in subjects in 2023 first term compared to term four of 2022. However, internal indicators show a decline in performance of 2023 first term as a result the department plans to intensify its intervention strategies to assist underperforming schools through the Dial-a-tutor program, extra classes, vacation camps, first and last push as well as educator development with much emphasis on incubation of teachers in underperforming subjects inclusive of gateway subjects per term.
Department officials who were part of the engagements emphasized that, all special and farm schools within the province will be roped in to form part of excellence in the province.
From now on schools achieving less than 70% will be considered vulnerable. Moreover, MEC Motsumi encourages Circuit Managers to work hard in ensuring that these schools achieve great results by the end of this academic year. Subject advisors have been cautioned about the importance of mentoring and coaching of educators.
Motsumi also calls for education stakeholders to carry the top three vision.
“I humbly plea with all our education stakeholders to rally together the department to make our vision of top three see the light when minister of Education announces 2023 year-end results” said MEC Motsumi.
District directors assured the MEC that they will deliver the best quality results by the end of term four of 2023 and improve the status.
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Elias Malindi
072 892 8399/ 072 115 4855
Mphata Molokwana
Media Liaison Officer