The North West Department of Education is ready f or the marking of the Grade 12 scripts planned to officially starts on Wednesday, 06 January 2021.
The department has appointed 3326 markers and 174 Control Officers in 17 marking centres across the province. The markers have been appointed based on their three-year track record in teaching Grade 12 learners.
The Political Head in the department MEC, Mmaphefo Matsemela visited a marking centre in Rustenburg to monitor compliance for the Covid – 19 regulations.
“On behalf of the department l would like to welcome back all officials who sacrificed their holiday period and decided to participate in this important process of marking which is th backbone of our year-end performance.
“We want to thank our teachers for their sacrifices in teaching learners last year during the difficult times. I am happy to see that the Covid – 19 regulations are followed to the latter. I want to guarantee everyone that we will never compromise regulations until the end of marking process”, said MEC Matsemela.
The department is working very close with the Department of Health to monitor compliance in all centres. On daily basis Officials from the Department of Health are responsible to visit the marking centres to monitor compliance to Covid – 19 regulations.
Marking is expected to run until Thursday, 21 January 2021.
For more information please contact:
Elias Malindi
072 892 8399/ 072 115 4855