As days draw closer to effect migration of Early Childhood Development (ECD), the North West Department of Education together with the Department of Social Development are set to host a two-day summit with stakeholders of both departments to raise and discuss pertinent issues as well as to offer solutions prior to the day of migrating the function to Education.
The summit will be held as follows:
Date: 09-10 March 2022
Venue: Orion Hotel, in Rustenburg
Time: 09:00
The summit aims at tightening loose ends in order to make a smooth transition for department of education as the recipients of Early Childhood Development.
ECD function to Education will commence on 01 April 2022.
Members of the media are welcome to attend.
Issued by Media Liaison Unit.
For more info, please contact:
Elias Malindi
NW Education Spokesperson
072 892 8399/072 115 4855
Petrus Siko
NW Social Development Spokesperson
083 647 0668/018 388 2476