The North West Department of Education is hosting an intervention camp for the 115 Grade 12 learners from Marikana Secondary school since Monday, 19 October 2020.
Marikana Secondary school has been the worst affected by the school disruptions since the beginning of July 2020. The disruptions started after the appointment of the new principal for the school.
The department ended up withdrawing the powers of the School Governing Body after the internal investigations. The department also issued court orders to those individuals who were suspected to be behind the school disruption.
The Political leader of the department MEC, Mmaphefo Matsemela visited the special camp arranged for the Marikana Secondary school learners.
“I came hear to motivate and encourage the learners from Marikana Secondary school. As a department we understand that the situation in Marikana Secondary has not been normal for sometime and learners lost a sizeable time for teaching and learning. We have resolved to take those learners outside their place since we don’t want them to miss their examinations.
“As a caring department we don’t want any learner to fail but all of them to pass. We have arranged them to be taught by subject specialists and their teachers from school. We have realised that, in the preliminary examinations their performance was not satisfactory. The subject specialists will treat all areas that gives them problems during the camp”, said MEC Matsemela.
Mutsumi Phenyo a 20 year old Grade 12 learner from Marikana Secondary school thanked the department for its special intervention.
“I would really like to thank the department for arranging us this camp. Since l have been in this camp there’s a huge difference in my understanding of different topics. Now my objective is to obtain a bachelor’s certificate”, said Motsumi.
The school principal Ms Ompelege Mokotedi couldn’t hide her excitement on the performance of her learners.
“As teachers of Marikana Secondary school we are very much optimistic that our learners would produce good results at the end of the year. This camp has reignited their interest of achieving good results”, said Ms Mokotedi the school principal.
MEC Matsemela recommended to the department that the Marikana Secondary school learners be given a chance to write their final examinations at Swartruggens Combined school.
For more info, please contact:
Elias Malindi
072 892 8399/ 072 115 4855