The North West Department of Education encourages all unsuccessful 2022 Grade 12 learners and those who aspire to complete Grade 12 to grab the Second Chance Matric Programme with both hands.
The aim of the Second Chance Matric Programme is to provide support to learners who were unable to meet the pass requirements or wish to upgrade the Matric results of the National Senior Certificate (NSC) or the extended Senior Certificate (SC). This project improves opportunities of employment and to pursue tertiary education studies. The programme offers face to face lessons totally free of charge and learners also receive study material.
The MEC for Education, Viola Motsumi expressed that there were many benefits of participating in the Second Chance Matric Programme.
“Learners are able to meet the requirements of the National Senior Certificate or Senior Certificate and obtain a Grade 12 qualification; Learners are able to upgrade their marks so they meet the requirements for various qualifications at tertiary as well; Learners are able to obtain their matric which can lead to new deployment opportunities and learners are able to access bursaries for further study and information on career pathing”, said MEC Motsumi.
MEC Motsumi further highlighted that the second chance matric programme offers an opportunity to Candidates who wrote the National Senior Certificate examination the previous year and qualify to write a maximum of 2 subjects to meet the requirements of the NSC to be written in June and November 2023. Also the amended Senior Certificate and Part – time candidates stand to benefit from the programme.
The aim of the Second Chance Matric Programme is to provide support to learners who were unable to meet the pass requirements or wish to upgrade the Matric results of the National Senior Certificate (NSC) or the extended Senior Certificate (SC).
Registration dates:
Candidates can contact their nearest District Offices or DBE Website for registration www.eservices.gov.za
May/June Examination: Registration started from 1 October 2022 and will close on 20th February 2023.
Part – Time candidates
Closing date for candidates not writing the May/June examination is 15th March 2023.
All candidates who last wrote matric from 2008 – 2021 are regarded as Part – time candidates. Their registration is done at Sub -district offices.
The North West Department of Education is requesting candidates to take advantage of the Second Chance Matric programme.
For more information please contact:
Elias Malindi
Departmental Spokesperson
Cell: 0721154855/0728928399