The Deputy Minister of the Department of Basic Education, Dr Reginah Mhaule could not hide her pride about the performance of the North West province in the matric results every year, she said when she visited the province on Tuesday, 16 February 2021.
Deputy Minister Mhaule accompanied by MEC Mmaphefo Matsemela, visited the province to monitor compliance towards Covid – 19 protocols and to encourage teachers and learners to continue to work hard. During her visit, she started at Broedersput Farm school near Vryburg, Moeti Primary in Vryburg and finished at Huhudi Secondary school in Ganyesa.
Throughout the visit by the Deputy Minister, she was impressed by the commitment of the teachers in all the schools she visited. Learners were in class following the instructions of their teachers and implementing the Covid – 19 regulations.
“This province is known for years in producing leaders at national level for example, the Speaker of the National Assembly, Honourable Thandi Modise, Director General of the Department of Basic Education, Mr Mathanzima Mweli and many more. This will serve as a motivation to the current learners to make an impact in their studies. In the matric results this province is part of the top 4 performing provinces in the country. Next week during the release of the results we are hopeful that they will be on top as usual.
“We are appreciating the districts for the good work they are doing in our schools and that includes those in rural area. In 2019 Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati became the most improved district in the country. I want to thank all the teachers for the good work they are doing in our schools. Primary schools are very important because they are laying a solid foundation to our learners. They teach learners to hold a pen, if we don’t take care of the foundation we will be in trouble. We need to strengthen and resource the foundation”,said Deputy Minister Dr Mhaule.
MEC Matsemela appreciated the visit by the Deputy Minister and committed that as the province they will ensure that both teachers and learners work hard throughout the year.
On Wednesday, 17 February 2021 MEC Matsemela is expected to visit Lykso Combined on the way to Kuruman, Marope, PH Moeketsi, M.M. Sebitlone Special school all these schools are in Taung Village.
For more information, please contact:
Elias Malindi
Departmental Spokesperson
072 1154 855/072 892 8399