The Curriculum Management has organised the Provincial Mathematics Lekgotla today (11 March 2025) in Seasons Wedding and Conference, Mahikeng.

The theme for the Mathematics Lekgotla is to Strengthen Mathematics for Participation and Performance.

The objectives are to increase learner participation in Further Education and Training (FET) Mathematics and also to improve learner attainment in foundational skills in the Senior Phase and lastly to improve inter-stakeholder collaboration.

Mr Mudau from Department of Basic Education, has just outlined that the North West is currently at position 2 nationally in terms of Mathematics performance. However, he wishes that the performance increase in enrollment and quality pass.

Stakeholders Eskom Expo, South African Institution of Chartered Accountants (SAICA), South African Actuarial Development Programme (SAADP), Department of Higher Education and Training, Shuter & Shooter Publisher, and MacMillan Publisher are in attendance to support the initiative.

Representatives from North West University, Tshwane University of Technology and Association for Mathematics Education of South Africa are to present on Mathematics programmes, future of Mathematics and learning to learn Mathematics.

Author: tkhechane