With teachers having pulled all their efforts to assist learners to finish the syllabus in a difficult year engulfed by Covid -19, a special provincial prayer and pledge signing ceremony for the final examinations was hosted by the North West Department of Education at Stellaland Primary school on Monday, 02 November 2020.
The Provincial Prayer was attended by the North West Premier, Professor Job Mokgoro, MEC Mmaphefo Matsemela, Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District Mayor, Councillor Mahlangu, council of churches, labour unions, educators of different schools together with the learners.
The primary purpose for the prayer is that after teachers have played their part of teaching and revising with learners, divine intervention is a sought after pillar to connect to the Almighty for guidance in the examinations cduring a difficult year as the department usually does at this time of the year corporately with its stakeholders.
The Political Head of department MEC, Mmaphefo Matsemela encouraged Grade 12 learners to remain cool and wear off examinations jitters.
“As a parent who once walked this road and sat for examinations l want to give pointers to remain your cool throughout examinations. It may seem horrific and daunting prospect to have to sit for the examinations of this magnitude but you can do it. There’s no need to panic or worry, learners have just to do what their teachers told them”, said MEC Matsemela.
The Grade 12 learners signed the pledge to signify and commit that they will not participate in any illegal activity during the examinations.
The Religious leaders entrenched their commitment of working together with schools during the examinations period by counselling those learners who find themselves overwhelmed by the moment.
For more info, please contact
Elias Malindi
072 892 8399/ 072 115 4855