ln an endeavour to ensure that all learners passes their Grade 12 year-end examinations, the North West Department of Education analyses the preliminary examination results of all schools and this includes farm schools.
MEC Matsemela accompanied by a team of curriculum experts visited Nauproort and Iterelong Secondary schools both farm schools in the area of Rustenburg to analyze their Preliminary examinations results.
Both the Secondary schools obtained an average exceeding 60% pass rate in the preliminary examinations results. Iterelong Secondary school obtained 69% whilst Naupoort Secondary school obtained 87.8%.
MEC Matsemela emphasized that all learners should pass Grade 12 irrespective of their background.
“I am on a roadshow of analyzing the performance of the farm schools. Our department does not discriminate learners according to their backgrounds but treats them equally irrespective of their places where they stay. So far l am hopeful that as a province we are going to do well in the matric results at the end of the year. We have observed that many learners have passed well and there are few who needs a serious intervention.
We have recommended to schools that those learners who have social challenges to receive psychosocial support from the department. We have also recommended that learners to formulate study groups to help each other during the study period”, said MEC Matsemela.
MEC Matsemela further emphasized that learners should capitalise in collecting marks in section A of the question papers before concentrating on difficult questions.
“I have told teachers to train learners not to leave any questions unanswered. For learners to pass they should answer all the questions. Topics are not the same but learners should know their strengths and score marks in the areas they know best”, said MEC Matsemela.
The Communication Unit spoke to Matshidiso Khoza an 18 year old matric learner who indicated that the Preliminary examinations have assisted her to understand her performance in different subjects. She promised to work extremely hard to improve her performance.
The curriculum experts emphasised that no teacher should be comfortable when learners obtain level 2s. Learners should work hard to obtain higher levels in order to get the good marks.
On Wednesday,21 October MEC Matsemela and her team visited Lesele Secondary in Mathopestad and Boons Combined schools in Boons.
For information please contact:
Elias Malindi
072 892 8399/ 072 115 4855