MEC Mmaphefo Matsemela joins the world and the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) in sending well wishes to teachers around the world as today marks International World Teachers’ Day.
This year’s theme reads:
*”Teachers at the heart of education recovery”* as it resonates well with strides teachers are taking to recover the system from the impact of Covid-19 as of 2020.
MEC Matsemela says the recovery of the system is twofold as it is intended at teacher’s lives and classroom activities at large.
“To the greatest heroes I know, on behalf of North West team education, we are grateful for your hardwork that you continue to display.
We see and acknowledge you on a daily basis healing the education system that is hard hit by Covid-19. I could not be less proud of your efforts. And in healing the system you fought for your lives too. Some are left with long covid but you soldier on.
“I continue to render my sincere condolences to the lives of teachers lost and at the same time proud that took it upon yourselves to vaccinate.
“We saw over 30,000 of you in the North West province going for the jab because your goal is to continue to be in the classroom, educating our nation- a noble and revolutionary thing to do. Your dedication is commendable and that is what a hero does!”, Says Matsemela.
Matsemela further thanked teachers who participated in the National Teaching Awards.
“To display your passion for teaching you partook in the renowned National Teacher’s Day. You are all winners by virtue of your selflessness. Congratulations to all of you and to those who will represent the province at national level”.
In South Africa the whole month of October is marked to celebrate teachers, those who are in the system, retired and passed on.
For more info, please contact:
Elias Malindi
072 892 8399/ 072 115 4855