The North West Department of Education and Social Development engaged the communities and relevant stakeholders in Kagisano Molopo Sub-District about Early Childhood Development Function Shift. During the consultation roadshow, management of the two departments outlined the purpose, expectations, processes and plans put together to ensure the smooth running of the function shift from the Department of Social Development to the North West Department of Education.
All speakers from the two departments confirmed that “it’s all systems go”, for the ECD function shift in the North West Province. They provided comprehensive package on how the coordination of the function shift will be strengthened as well as the curriculum package of ECD. The Early Childhood Development function is expected to move to the North West Department of Education on the 01st of April 2022.
The migration of the ECD function was announced by President Cyril Ramaphosa in his State of the Nation address in 2019. The President has already signed the proclamation for the transfer of the ECD function as well as the Premier, after the President has signed. The MECs for both the departments has ultimately signed the Memorandum of Understanding to ensure the smooth transition of the function.
The Department of Social Development has already briefed all the affected staff on this matter and it is anticipated that no one will lose his/her job during the transition. A total number of 89 posts will be transferred to the North West Department of Education and the budget structure would be streamlined to accommodate the transferred functions.
Managers from the Department of Education and Social Development who attended the scheduled roadshow were:
- Mr Gift Ramadie (Chief Director – Curriculum),
- Ms Daphney Mohube & Ms Tidimalo Nkotoe (Administrator’s office),
- Ms Emily Mammen (Director Curriculum),
- Ms Mojakhumo Dithejane (Dr RSM District Director),
- Mr Goemeone Moseki (Change Management HR Division),
- Mr Fhatuwani Makhado (Sub District Manager),
- Ms Hessie Wessie (Acting Chief Director Social Support Services in the Department of Social Development, officials from both departments, ECD Centres representatives and community members of Kagisano Molopo Sub- District, in Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District.
The District Roadshow that started on the 21st of February at Bojanala District has taken place at Schweizer Reneke Hoerskool yesterday, 02 Mach 2022. The last leg of the roadshow will take place at Ngaka Modiri Molema District at Embassy Hall and Delareyville on the 03rd and 04rth March 2022, respectively. The Provincial Summit regarding the ECD function shift will take place from the 9- 11 March 2022, at Dr Kenneth Kaunda District.