Christmas came too early for the 155 learners of G.S. Phoi Secondary School in Madibogopan Village, when they received a donation of bicycles from Deputy Minister of Department of Transport, Dikeledi Magadzi on Monday, 01 March 2021.
The bicycles are part of flagship program by the Department of Transport called Shova Kalula bicycle programme; an initiative which is aimed at assisting learners walking long distances to school to access basic education. Learners who stay far away from the school and walking for about 3 to 5 kilometers benefited from the project.
Mpotseng Mofokeng, a 21 year old Grade 12 learner from Disiteng Section in Madibogopan could not hide her excitement after receiving the bicycle.
“This bicycle came at a right time when I am on my final year at school. I was walking for a long distance to school and I always arrived late in class. Every time l would be very tired at school. Now l would be able to arrive on time at school for my lessons and thank you to the Department of Transport”, said Mofokeng a beneficiary of the Shova Kalula bicycle programme.
MEC Mmaphefo Matsemela expressed that the partnership between the two departments is bearing positive fruits for the learners.
“On behalf of the department l need to express our sincere gratitude on this great donation by Department of Transport.
The bicycles are going to motivate our learners to come to school and work very hard in their studies. Learners who used to arrive late at school, that will be a problem of the past and it will never happen again”, said MEC Matsemela.
Deputy Minister, Dikeledi Magadzi expressed that this donation took place on the month of March which is a human rights month.
“Education is a right to every learner and that is not the responsibility of the Department of Education alone. It is a responsibility of everyone to ensure that learners are given quality education at school. Education is a societal”,said Deputy Minister Magadzi.
For more info please contact:
Elias Malindi
072 892 8399/ 072 115 4855